With MeteoLib you can avoid showers
Showers are unpleasant when they catch you far from a shelter when walking, biking or riding
They are dangerous when they occur within a storm. But they usually don’t last
With MeteoLib app., you will be able to avoid them over the area shown hereafter by receiving an
alarm a few tens of minutes before they start.
For instance:
•You will choose to wait in the train station if MeteoLib shows you in a glance how short will
be the threatening shower or to run fast back home before the shower will start : and it’s free
•You will not drive to your golf course, tennis court, jogging meeting point,.. 15 minutes away
and come back right away when a shower hits it, if MeteoLib shows you in a glance how the
threatening shower ( in app MeteoLib +)
•You will put your rain protection on while staring for a bike or motorbike ride as MeteoLib
will let you know in a glance the occurrence of a shower during the ride (in app MeteoLib ++)
See more on the web site MeteoLib.fr after downloading the free app from the App Store and check
how helpful is this shower nowcasting in your day to day life
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